张炳,南京财经大学副校长,南京大学-江苏省环境保护厅环境管理与政策研究中心主任,主要从事环境管理与政策分析、环境经济学的教学和研究,2013年获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金资助,2017年获聘教育部长江学者奖励学者计划青年学者(经济学),2017获得国家万人计划青年拔尖人才,2018年获得国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金资助。论文发表在 Nature Sustainability, PNAS, American Economics Review, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Environmental Science & Technology 等杂志。参与我国排污许可证、排污交易、环境信息公开等政策的制定,研究成果获得环保部科技奖一等奖、二等奖、张培刚发展经济学优秀成果奖等奖励。
2007.09-2008.09,Rutgers University (美国罗格斯大学),国家建设高水平大学联合培养博士
2023.08- ,南京财经大学,副校长
2014.06- ,南京大学,环境管理与政策研究中心,主任
2013.12- ,南京大学,环境学院环境规划与管理专业,教授,博士生导师
Environmental and climate benefit of China's investment on intermittent renewable energy(G-2110-33486),Energy Foundation,课题负责人,2021-2022。
Citizen Monitoring of Urban Waterways in Jiangsu, China, EGAP,课题负责人,2017-2019。
Jiangsu Green Development Evaluation, UNEP,课题负责人,2017-2019。
Mark Buntaine, Michael Greenstone, Guojun He, Mengdi Liu, Shaoda Wang & Bing Zhang. Does the Squeaky Wheel Get More Grease? The Direct and Indirect Effects of Citizen Participation on Environmental Governance in China, American Economics Review, Accepted.
Yara Tang, Mengdi Liu, Fan Xia, Bing Zhang*. Informal Regulation by Nongovernmental Organizations Enhances Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from a Nationwide Randomized Controlled Trial in China, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2023.
Bing Zhang, Daxuan Zhao,Emission Leakage and the Effectiveness of Regional Environmental Regulation in China, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2023.
Yang Yu, Jianxiao Wang, Qixin Chen, Johannes Urpelainen, Qingguo Ding, Shuo Liu & Bing Zhang*, Decarbonization efforts hindered by China’s slow progress on electricity market reforms, Nature Sustainability, 2023.
Beibei Liu, Weiyi Gu, Yi Yang, Feng Wang, Bufan Lu, Bing Zhang*, Jun Bi*. Promoting potato as staple food can reduce the carbon–land–water impacts of crops in China. Nature Food, 2021.
Tara Slougha, Daniel Rubensonb, Ro’ee Levy, and Bing Zhang. Adoption of community monitoring improves common pool resource management across contexts, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS), 2021.
Mark Buntaine*, Bing Zhang*, Patrick Hunnicutt. Citizen Monitoring of Waterways Decreases Pollution in China by Supporting Government Action and Oversight. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS), 2021.
Mengdi Liu, Ruipeng Tan, Bing Zhang. The Costs of "Blue Sky": Environmental Regulation, Technology Upgrading, and Labor Demand in China, Journal of Development Economics, 2021, 150(4):102610.
Guojun He, Shaoda Wang, Bing Zhang. Watering down environmental regulation in China, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020,135(4):2135-2185.
Guojun He*, Yang Xie*, Bing Zhang*, Expressways, GDP, and the Environment: The case of China. Journal of Development Economics, 2020,145 :102458.
Meng Tu, Bing Zhang*, Jianhua Xu, Fangwen Lu. Mass media, information and demand for environmental quality: Evidence from the "Under the Dome", Journal of Development Economics, 2020, 143 :102402.
Sarah Anderson, Mark T. Buntaine, Mengdi Liu and Bing Zhang. Non-Governmental Monitoring of Local Governments Increases Compliance with Central Mandates: A National-Scale Field Experiment in China, American Journal of Political Science, 2019, 63(3) : 626-643.
Junxiu SUN, Feng Wang, Haitao Yin, Bing Zhang, Money Talks: The Environmental Impact of China's Green Credit Policy, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2019,38 (3): 653-680.
Pan HE, Bing ZHANG*. Environmental tax, polluting firms' strategies and effectiveness: Evidence from China. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2018, 37(3) : 493-520.